interventions for addicted executives
Addicted executives may be ready to get help and go to treatment willingly and chose to do so quickly while others may react with anger, agitation, resentment, and feel betrayed by the people who organize and carry out the intervention process.It is impossible to predict how an executive or any addicted individual will react when faced with an intervention.   For the best results everyone involved should spend time with a Certified Intervention Professional to learn about what may happen and prepare themselves emotionally. Executive intervention professionals are well versed in “how to handle emotionally charged situations” and can lead the process with gentle but firm guidance. The unfortunate truth is that not all interventions are successful, so the team should focus on preparation and execution with the intervention professional rather than instant results. An intervention for an executive should be handled with the utmost respect for the addicted executive’s position in the company. Angel Intervention Services employees Nationally Certified Intervention Professionals with proper training and experience to assist in high-level executive interventions.
With the right guidance from an executive intervention professional and proper planning by the intervention team, executive interventions are highly successful. Carried out with real concern for the addicted executive’s health, job security, family life and support system most executive interventions end with the desired result, getting help for a valuable executive. On the day of the intervention the team will assemble, present the addicted executive with their prepared statements guided by the intervention professional and outline the exact details of the treatment solution being offered. Any consequences in relation to executive positions should be clearly laid out by company heads but delivered in a manner that “sets the point home” and encourages the addicted executive to seek help. All participants of the team are encouraged to use positive mannerisms in the approach and be certain the addicted executive in question is welcomed back into the company with open arms after the treatment process is complete. Company heads and human resource departments are encouraged to work with the executive intervention professional to lay out a solid continuum of care for the addicted executive once inpatient treatment has been finished to ensure recovery for a lifetime.
Please call us today to discuss the executive intervention process and let us guide you through the process. 800-430-2995
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